Saturday 18 February 2012

Sausage caravans

So far it's been a day of mixed fortunes, that's not strictly true as there have been far more positives than negatives. The only real negative is that, as expected, Emma has declined my offer to join me on the 'pig in a day' course at River Cottage HQ, something to do with they butchering elements of the schedule. The good news, in fact the best news, is that she has offered to help me with the editing of my writing so far on the sausage trail, that makes me feel a great deal more positive and confident about my approach to an agent after the Serbia trip. Thirty good pages and a rousing synopsis is all I need to generate the interest from a literary agent and with Emma casting her expert critical eye over my words I feel that I have every chance of achieving this.

Another positive, and a great positive at that, is that the Kobasicijade article in WIkipedia is very short and does no justice to this important village festival. In fact it seems that it was written, in passing, by someone who had a limited experience with the event. This presents a fantastic opportunity, and one which I will grasp with both grubby mitts. I shall update/edit the existing article when I get back, and maybe, one day add a reference to my book.

I still haven't updated the sausage calendar yet but aim to do so later today or early tomorrow. Time at case Gledson in Gosport is still unpredictable and sometimes chaotic, Dad is still safely ensconced in the front room due to lack of bedrooms on the ground floor but the caravan site opens in a little over a week and will open a great deal more possibilities and allow Dad a degree of greater freedom. The boys, the older boys that is, are spending little time in looking for vocational progression and are still approaching every day as a holiday. Beth had had her Waterloo with her cousin, Jessica but the said cousin still has a long way to go with regard to learning to consider the feelings of others and how to fit in with family life, just my opinion.

The writing has begun for the Serbian chapter and there I go now, writing the chapter not Serbia.

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