Sunday 9 September 2012

This is not a boring business blog

I have never posted regarding my business dealings and I am not about to start now. However, and it's only a little however, the time seems to be ripe/right to move from the comfy world of sub-contracting, which in itself is only a little removed from owning and running a franchise, to a operating a proper business.

That's it. No more nonsense.

Amsterdam is not how I hoped nor how I hoped it would transpire as I aged. The idea I was sold has diminished and probably disappeared in the early noughties. Sam, from the new generation, sees Amsterdam exactly as he expected: prostitutes, coffee shops, hostels etc. etc. Unfortunately the coffee shops will no longer be available to the tourist from 2013 and, this is just an observation, the beautiful, blonde, Dutch hookers, have now been replaced by the influx from countries where sex work is a norm. Surinam, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, etc. (far too many etc's) have reduced the red light district to the seedy alleyways and titty bars that grace any European city.

My Amsterdam, as a young, SINGLE (important Emma), man, was a city of inhibitions, openness and honesty. Now all I see is the tarnished patina of another European stag city central. Of course there are the parts that single the city out and make a difference, the Museumplein and the newly discovered Heinekensplein, what a place, but what about the moral freedom that attracted millions in the first place?

I understand that Amsterdam is making a stand against the thugs and jugs, against the smokers and jokers, AND against the idiots that have made the city a parody of the once proud destination it once was. BUT, there are so many genuine, honest, travellers, day visitors and long range culture vultures that are missing out.

My current hotel is a travesty, but only in as much as my experience with the venue is appalling; the location, however is the best I could have hope for and as such I will write a good review for the area. The hotel, as previously mentioned, is a shit hole. If Harry Potter is reading, sort it out you c***.

Nuff said, bed time and an early start tomorrow.

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