Thursday 27 September 2012

The Hobbit

Recently it has transpired, maybe not that recently but I have only just found out, that the film adaptation of the Hobbit is to spread over three films, probably in the same time frame as The Lord of the Rings (LOTR for the un-initiated) which means waiting three years to see the story unfold. My first feelings were of disappointment; three films for three books for LOTR and three films for one book for The Hobbit. Either LOTR was sold short, which we know it was as so many aspects and encounters were omitted: Tom Bombadil and The Barrow Wights to name but two. OR, the Hobbit has been twisted and stretched to achieve a three movie franchise. I would like to think, and hope, that the truncation of LOTR was necessary to pacify the Hollywood backers and for Peter Jackson to establish himself as one of the most talented film makers that ever lived. I would also like to think, assume and hope, that now Peter (or should I call him something else to appear less pretentious?) has established himself he is able to convince the tasteless financial backers, or even to finance the project himself, that his way is the best way. There have been a few sections of the trailer that seem to be sections missed from LOTR, perhaps he has weaved these into the new tale.

One of my favourite pastimes whilst lying awake in bed at night with Emma, apart from the obvious, is to speculate on who would be the best actor to play parts in films not yet produced. Mister Benn is a perfect example (I am still writing a screenplay). When I thought about casting the dwarfs for The Hobbit I was at a loss, yet, when I read the cast list I was so impressed; James Nesbitt, Ken Stott and Richard Armitage were fantastic names to see so were returning characters; Gandalf, Legolas, Gollum and Saruman all played by the iconic actors that first took the part in LOTR.

I hope that after the first screening I will be as positive.

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