Friday 7 June 2013

Friday and the end of a busy week

I'm not sure what I expected to get out of my first week working directly for Cerberus without the safety net of the Skynet 5 project. It's a rather strange feeling; on the one hand I need the income but on the other without the time to spend to create and maintain momentum Cerberus would just plod along and do nothing, make no sales and remain nothing more than merely a great idea.

Five days full time on the case has yielded a great many contacts, interesting people all, there is a massive appetite for cost effective satellite solutions across many markets, CCTV, webcasting, and unified communications amongst those.

I must admit I was despairing on Tuesday but after a couple of days with a 'nothing to lose' approach the Cerberus contacts folder is a lot healthier with many successful and interested parties.

I need another week to keep this running at the current speed and keep thinking 'ABC', 'Always BE Closing' aside from the poor grammar it's a firm sentiment.

The other motivating factor to make Cerberus successful is the fact that I have spent more time at home in the mornings and evenings and there is no way that I want to watch Disney Channel or Jeremy Kyle any longer, I don't have the emotional strength to deal what either.

It appears that we will have to sell our caravan in Warsash, but I guess we knew this would happen one day. I just hope that something changes before i have to sell the children.

Upshot - looking good but still no cigar.

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