Sunday 16 June 2013

The big push Captain Darling and Superman the Movie

I had given myself a week to progress, succeed and, above all, start bringing home the bacon sufficiently to survive. Now that the reality of the situation has filtered through my rather limp defences I have changed my approach. In fact, my approach has changed on an almost daily basis, shifting with the feedback and market intelligence that flows from the real action taken.

The ability to dedicate 100% of my time to the operation has yielded exponentially increased results but, as I have mentioned before I need to focus on ABC...ALWAYS BE CLOSING.

Next week will prove to be the watershed I am sure. I have all of the support from all of the right people so have no excuse for failure. Looking forward to some additional support from some old friends which can only help and push us forward.

On an other, completely different, subject, what the hell is going with movie remakes? OK, I've mentioned this before and will do so again, this time in a bit more particular fashion.

Why on earth has the film Superman been remade? The fact that the premise is sterile and uninteresting has made no difference to the decision to regurgitate another banal attempt at the ridiculous idea. Consider, an almost omnipotent and indestructible being exists, protecting a small municipal area, hiding his identity with a pair of specs, marvellous. He is made vulnerable only when a small chunk of rock arrives from his home world. What a load of bollocks. A film entitled 'God's lunch hour' would be more acceptable, or 'Buddha gets a Macdonalds'.

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